Time Period | Civilization 1 | Civilization 2

3000-2000 BC | - Construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza by the Egyptians
- Development of hieroglyphic writing system in Egypt
- Invention of papyrus by the ancient Egyptians
- Construction of sophisticated drainage and plumbing systems in the Indus Valley Civilization

2000-1000 BC | - Development of a highly organized bureaucracy in ancient China under the Shang Dynasty
- Invention of Chinese writing system with pictographic characters
- Use of oracle bones for divination in Shang society
- Mycenaeans introduce the concept of fortified citadels in Greece

1000-500 BC | -Assyrians establish a vast empire with advanced military techniques and siege warfare tactics
- Construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon by the Babylonian civilization
- Introduction of the concept of a centralized government under the Persian Empire
- The Persians develop a system of standardized weights and measures

500-0 BC | - Roman Republic expands and establishes a network of roads and aqueducts
- Introduction of the concept of democracy and the Roman legal system
- Invention of concrete by the Romans
- Maurya Empire in India introduces pillar edicts and promotes religious tolerance and cultural exchange
If your civilizations had contact with each other:
Write a summary about how advancements or practices of one civilization
influenced the other civilization. Your summary should be about a paragraph in
As you write your summary, use the following questions as a guide. Note, you
do not need to answer every question.
• How did the development of one culture influence or impact advancements or
development of the other culture?
• How did factors such as trade or migration affect the spread of cultural
practices or ideas?
• In what ways were cultural practices of one civilization adapted or adopted
by another civilization?

During the time period of 3000-2000 BC, the Egyptians' construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza had a significant impact on the Indus Valley Civilization. The construction techniques and expertise employed by the Egyptians inspired and influenced the Indus Valley Civilization in developing their own sophisticated plumbing and drainage systems. Additionally, the invention of papyrus by the Egyptians provided a new medium for recording and spreading knowledge, thereby facilitating cultural exchange between the two civilizations. Trade and migration also played a role in the spread of cultural practices and ideas, as contact between the Egyptians and the Indus Valley Civilization through trade routes allowed for the exchange of technological advancements and intellectual ideas. This resulted in the adoption and adaptation of certain cultural practices, such as the implementation of advanced drainage systems by the Indus Valley Civilization, which were influenced by the Egyptian civilization.

can you make this shorter and sound like a 7th grader

The Egyptians' building of the Great Pyramid of Giza influenced the Indus Valley Civilization. The Egyptians taught them how to make good drainage systems, like plumbing. They also invented papyrus, which helped them share knowledge with each other. They traded and traveled, which let them learn from each other and copy cool stuff, like the Indus copying the Egyptians' drainage systems.