What is the difference of opinion between the people and Dimmesdale over Dimmesdale's failing health and possible death?

The people believed the world would no longer be worthy of him
The people believed his health issues were due to the laborious nature of his devotion
The people believed his illness was due to some hidden sin
Dimmesdale declared that should he die, it was due to his unworthiness to be in his office
Dimmesdale declared his health issues were due to his intense study and devotion
Dimmesdale declared it was the result of his sins

The difference of opinion between the people and Dimmesdale over Dimmesdale's failing health and possible death can be summarized as follows:

The people believed that if Dimmesdale were to die, it would be because the world was not worthy of him. They saw him as a saintly figure, and his illness was attributed to the laborious nature of his devotion to his religious duties.

On the other hand, Dimmesdale believed that if he were to die, it would be due to his unworthiness to hold his position as a religious leader. He saw his failing health as a result of his intense study and devotion, which he felt was not enough to absolve him of his hidden sins.

In summary, while the people perceived Dimmesdale's illness as a sign of his holiness, Dimmesdale himself viewed it as a consequence of his own sinful nature.