Clarissa cycled at 12 1/2 miles per hour for 2 1/2 hours how far did she travel? (Answer as a mixed number)

To find the distance traveled, we need to multiply the speed (12 1/2 miles per hour) by the time (2 1/2 hours).

First, let's convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
12 1/2 = (2 * 12 + 1)/2 = 25/2
2 1/2 = (2 * 2 + 1)/2 = 5/2

Next, multiply the fractions:
Distance = (25/2) * (5/2) = 25/2 * 5/2 = 125/4

Finally, simplify the fraction:
125/4 = 31 1/4

Therefore, Clarissa traveled 31 1/4 miles.