To reduce their negative impact on the environment people who brew coffee should buy bean that are grown naturally

Which piece of evidence is the best support for the claim

One piece of evidence that would be the best support for the claim is research or studies that show the environmental benefits of naturally grown coffee beans compared to conventionally grown coffee beans. This could include findings such as:

1. Reduced chemical pesticide and fertilizer usage: Naturally grown coffee beans typically do not require the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, which can be harmful to the environment in terms of water contamination, soil degradation, and impact on local ecosystems.

2. Biodiversity preservation: Naturally grown coffee beans are often cultivated in shade-grown or agroforestry systems, which promote biodiversity and provide habitat for a wide range of plants and animals. This approach helps to maintain healthy ecosystems and support wildlife conservation.

3. Soil health improvement: Naturally grown coffee beans are often grown using organic farming practices that focus on building and maintaining soil health. This can include practices like composting, crop rotation, and the use of natural fertilizers, which contribute to the long-term fertility and resilience of the soil.

4. Water conservation: Naturally grown coffee beans typically require less water compared to conventionally grown beans, as synthetic fertilizers and pesticides can leach into water sources and result in increased water usage. Choosing naturally grown beans can help to conserve water resources and protect local waterways.

These types of evidence would provide strong support for the claim that buying naturally grown coffee beans can reduce the negative environmental impact of coffee brewing.