Jane took a train traveling at an average speed of 60 mph from Boston, MA, to Washington, DC. The trip took 8 hours. For her trip back to Boston, Jane decides to take an express train that travels at an average speed of 75 mph. How long will the trip home take?

To find the time for the trip home, we need to use the formula "distance = rate x time".

For the trip to Washington, DC, we know that the average speed is 60 mph and the time is 8 hours. So we can set up the equation:

distance = rate x time
distance = 60 mph x 8 hours

To find the distance, we multiply the rate (60 mph) by the time (8 hours):

distance = 60 mph x 8 hours
distance = 480 miles

Now, for the trip back to Boston, we know that the average speed is 75 mph. Let's call the time for the trip home "t". We can set up the equation:

distance = rate x time
480 miles = 75 mph x t hours

To find the time, we divide both sides of the equation by 75 mph:

480 miles / 75 mph = t hours

The miles per hour cancels out, leaving us with the equation:

6.4 hours = t

So the trip home will take 6.4 hours.