A copier purchased new for $4,800 depreciates in value $500 each year.

1. The function that models this equation is

2. The rate of change for the function is

3. The model predicts that the value of the copier after 3 years will be

4. The model predicts that the value of the copier after 7 years will be

1. The function that models this equation is: f(x) = 4800 - 500x, where x is the number of years.

2. The rate of change for the function is -500, which means the value of the copier decreases by $500 each year.

3. To find the value of the copier after 3 years, we substitute x=3 into the function: f(3) = 4800 - 500(3) = 4800 - 1500 = $3300.

4. To find the value of the copier after 7 years, we substitute x=7 into the function: f(7) = 4800 - 500(7) = 4800 - 3500 = $1300.