Evaluate why African

independence movements
failed to bring long-term
success. (1 point)
The Atlantic Charter
did not help the
Africans achieve full
Africans chose to
assimilate back with
their colonial power.
The Soviet Union sent
arms to leaders across
Africans had difficulty
with democracy after
the legacy of

The main reason why African independence movements failed to bring long-term success was that Africans had difficulty with democracy after the legacy of colonialism. Many African countries were under colonial rule for decades, and during this time, their political institutions and systems were largely undermined or nonexistent. As a result, when independence was achieved, African nations struggled to establish stable and effective democratic governments. This often led to weak leadership, political instability, corruption, and ethnic tensions, which hampered development and progress.

Additionally, the Atlantic Charter did not help the Africans achieve full independence. The Atlantic Charter, issued by the United States and Great Britain during World War II, advocated for self-determination and the end of colonialism. However, in practice, these Western powers did not fully support African calls for independence and often maintained control or influence over former colonies. This limited the autonomy and true sovereignty of African nations, preventing them from achieving long-term success.

Furthermore, the choice of some Africans to assimilate back with their colonial power also hindered the success of independence movements. Some African leaders and elites saw closer association with their former colonizers as beneficial to their own interests, leading them to cooperate and maintain favorable relationships with colonial powers. This cooperation often meant that economic and political power remained in the hands of former colonizers, perpetuating neocolonialism and preventing true independence and self-sufficiency.

Lastly, the Soviet Union played a role in African independence movements by providing arms and support to leaders across the continent. While this may have initially helped African nations in their struggle against colonial powers, it often resulted in the formation of authoritarian regimes and the suppression of dissent. The Soviet Union's support primarily focused on maintaining influence and control over African countries, rather than promoting democratic values or long-term development.

In conclusion, the failure of African independence movements to bring long-term success can be attributed to the challenges that African nations faced with transitioning to democracy, limited support from Western powers, the choice to assimilate back with colonial powers, and the influence of the Soviet Union. These factors collectively hindered the progress and development of newly independent African nations.

thats not an option

I apologize for the misunderstanding. In that case, if I have to evaluate why African independence movements failed to bring long-term success based on the options provided, the most appropriate answer would be:

Africans had difficulty with democracy after the legacy of colonialism.

This option aligns with the challenges African nations faced in establishing stable and effective democratic governments after achieving independence. The legacy of colonialism had deeply impacted African societies and their political systems, making the transition to democracy a complex and challenging process.