In the United States, business regulations have been evolving since the 1800s. Chose an aspect of federal regulation of business practices, such as workplace safety, finance reform, or consumer protection, and create a presentation that is a timeline identifying five key factors that contributed to the definition and implementation of the regulation as it is enforced today. You can go online and research significant regulations or legislation; many of the federal agency websites may be of value. For each one, including the following information:

Date it was passed
Circumstance that motivated it
Who it benefits and why

You can use the presentation software of your choice for this assignment. Make sure that you are using reputable websites and include a list of at least three appropriate websites at the end. Your presentation should be well organized, free of mechanical errors, and easy to read.

Title: Evolution of Workplace Safety Regulations in the United States

Slide 1: Introduction
- Brief overview of the evolution of business regulations in the US
- Focus on the aspect of workplace safety regulations

Slide 2: 1911 - U.S. Department of Labor formed (passage of the Act)
- Date: 1911
- Circumstance: Tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, where 146 workers died
- Motivation: To prevent workplace accidents, improve labor conditions, and protect workers' rights
- Beneficiaries: All workers across various industries; prioritizes their safety and well-being

Slide 3: 1970 - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) enacted
- Date: 1970
- Circumstance: A rise in workplace-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths
- Motivation: To create a comprehensive federal program to ensure safe and healthy working environments for all employees
- Beneficiaries: All workers and employers; promotes workplace safety, reduces accidents, and prevents illnesses

Slide 4: 1991 - Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) implemented
- Date: 1991
- Circumstance: Growing concerns regarding hazardous chemicals in the workplace
- Motivation: To establish criteria for communicating workplace hazards to employees, including written plans, labeling, and employee training
- Beneficiaries: Workers exposed to hazardous chemicals; provides access to information, training, and protective measures

Slide 5: 2002 - Creation of Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC)
- Date: 2002
- Circumstance: Challenges faced in enforcing workplace safety regulations and addressing disputes
- Motivation: To provide a central authority to adjudicate disputes and penalties related to workplace safety regulations
- Beneficiaries: Employers and workers; ensures fair treatment, resolution of disputes, and consistency in implementing safety regulations

Slide 6: 2010 - The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
- Date: 2010
- Circumstance: Rising healthcare costs and lack of access to healthcare for many employees
- Motivation: To improve access to affordable healthcare for all Americans, including workers
- Beneficiaries: Workers gain access to affordable healthcare, preventive services, maternity care, and protection against discriminatory practices by employers based on health conditions

Slide 7: Conclusion
- Recap of the key aspects and progression of workplace safety regulations
- Acknowledgment of the continuous evolution of business regulations

Slide 8: References
- List of three reputable websites used for research (APA/MLA format)

Reputable Websites:
1. U.S. Department of Labor -
2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) -
3. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services -