The number of goals scored by a soccer team varies directly as the number of shots on goal. If the Lakeside Bears scored 4 goals after 48 shots on goal, how many more shots on goal should the team take to score 3 more goals?

We can set up a proportion to solve this problem. Let x be the number of additional shots on goal the team needs to take to score 3 more goals.

Using the direct variation relationship, we can write the proportion:

4 goals/48 shots = 3 goals/x shots

Cross multiplying, we have:

4x = 3 * 48

Simplifying the right side:

4x = 144

Dividing both sides by 4:

x = 144 / 4

x = <<144/4=36>>36

Therefore, the team needs to take an additional 36 shots on goal to score 3 more goals.