story name: all together now by barbara jordan

What does Barbara Jordan believe are the responsibilities of government and politicians?

Write a 250-word response to this question, and cite evidence from the speech to support your answer.

In the speech titled "All Together Now" by Barbara Jordan, she expresses her belief in the responsibilities of government and politicians. According to Jordan, the responsibility of government is to serve the people and address their needs effectively. She believes that government should create programs and policies to uplift and support its citizens, especially those who are disadvantaged or marginalized. Jordan states, "We believe that the government has a responsibility to steer in the direction of creating a society in which there are adequate opportunities and life chances for all" (Jordan). This shows her conviction that government should be proactive in ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals.

Moreover, Jordan emphasizes the importance of politicians being accountable and transparent to the people they serve. She points out that politicians should prioritize honest communication and maintain integrity in their actions. According to her, "We need politicians who say what they mean and mean what they say" (Jordan). In other words, politicians should honor their commitments and work diligently towards the betterment of society.

Additionally, Jordan stresses the need for politicians to be responsive and attentive to the concerns and aspirations of the people. She states, "What the people want to know is not what they can't do. What the people want to know is a plan to know what is possible, to determine what is doable" (Jordan). This implies that politicians should be practical, find feasible solutions, and actively engage with the public to meet their expectations.

Overall, Barbara Jordan believes that the responsibilities of government and politicians revolve around serving the public, creating equal opportunities, being transparent, and responding effectively to the needs and aspirations of the people. Her speech emphasizes the importance of government and politicians working together to build a just and inclusive society.