Adam is planning a pool party to celebrate the last day of school. He wants to give out beach

towels to his guests as party favors. Adam ordered 14 beach towels from Sunshine Party
Supply. Since this was a bulk order, Sunshine Party Supply reduced the price of each towel by
$3.25. Adam paid $105 in all. How much does Sunshine Party Supply normally charge for a
beach towel?

Let x be the normal price of a beach towel.

The discounted price of each towel is x - $3.25.
Adam ordered 14 towels, so the total cost of the towels at the discounted price is 14 * ($x - $3.25) = $105.
14 * ($x - $3.25) = $105.
Dividing both sides of the equation by 14 gives $x - $3.25 = $7.50.
Adding $3.25 to both sides of the equation gives $x = $7.50 + $3.25 = $10.75.
Therefore, Sunshine Party Supply normally charges $10.75 for a beach towel. Answer: \boxed{10.75}.