Use the passage to answer the question. Wherever Tommy went and whatever he saw would remind him of a past time when things were happier. A mere walk down the street where he lived, glancing through the windows of the boutiques that lined the sidewalks, would often leave him in tears. Which line of dialogue could the author use to develop Tommy’s character as he is characterized in this paragraph? (1 point) Responses

“I think my mother owned a trinket like this one, but I never did like it at all.”
“This little trinket makes me think of a tender memory of playing baseball when I was a boy.”
“Why do there have to be so many shops along the same street where I live?”
“There are so many nice things here, and I can’t stand knowing that I can’t afford any of them.”

“There are so many nice things here, and I can’t stand knowing that I can’t afford any of them.”