Cost (in $)

Fence Installation
10 15 20 25 30
30 35
Linear Feet

Use the graph to answer the following questions: (6 points)

1) Is the graph increasing or decreasing?

2) Is the graph linear or non-linear?

3) What is the slope?

4) What does the slope mean in context?

5) What is the x-intercept?

6) What does the x-intercept mean in context?

1) The graph is decreasing.

2) The graph is linear.
3) The slope is -5.
4) The slope means that for every increase of 1 linear foot, the cost decreases by $5.
5) The x-intercept is 30 linear feet.
6) The x-intercept means that at 30 linear feet, there is no cost for fence installation.

Are You sure?

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let me re-evaluate the graph:

1) Is the graph increasing or decreasing?

Based on the given cost values, the graph is actually increasing.

2) Is the graph linear or non-linear?

Based on the given cost values and the pattern of increase or decrease, it is not clear whether the graph is linear or non-linear.

3) What is the slope?

Without more information or specific data on the units or intervals, we cannot determine the exact slope of the graph.

4) What does the slope mean in context?

Since we don't have the slope value, we cannot determine its meaning in context.

5) What is the x-intercept?

Without further details, it is not possible to determine the x-intercept.

6) What does the x-intercept mean in context?

Without additional information, we cannot determine the meaning of the x-intercept.