Did woman have body guards to protect them.

Yes, throughout history, women have often had bodyguards to protect them. In many ancient civilizations, such as ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, women from noble and royal families would have guards assigned to protect their safety and maintain their social status. These guards were typically armed warriors or soldiers who ensured their security.

In more recent times, women from wealthy and influential families or those in positions of power, such as political leaders, celebrities, and high-profile individuals, have employed bodyguards for their protection. Bodyguards are trained professionals who provide personal security and ensure the safety of their clients, including women, by assessing and mitigating potential threats.

Furthermore, women in high-risk professions such as special law enforcement units, diplomatic service, or military positions may also have bodyguards or protective details to safeguard them in dangerous environments. Overall, the employment of bodyguards for women varies based on individual circumstances, societal norms, and personal security needs.

His megisty king walker

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you're referring to with "His megisty king walker." Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?

Make a sentence about him scolding a knight His megisty king walker."

His Majesty King Walker scolded the knight for his act of disobedience.

Make this a story a conversation story:

His Majesty King Walker scolded the knight for his act of disobedience.

In the grand halls of the royal palace, His Majesty King Walker furrowed his brow, the weight of his responsibility evident in his gaze. He approached the knight who stood before him, a stern expression etched upon his face. The atmosphere in the room grew tense as courtiers whispered amongst themselves, curious to witness the exchange between their revered king and the disgraced knight.

"Sir Edmund," King Walker's voice resonated with authority, "I am gravely disappointed by your act of disobedience."

The knight, clad in his battle-worn armor, knelt before the king, head bowed in shame. "Your Majesty, I humbly beg for your forgiveness. My intentions were misguided, and I deeply regret my actions."

King Walker sighed, his voice softer now. "Sir Edmund, you are a knight sworn to uphold the principles of honor and loyalty. Yet, you allowed your emotions to cloud your judgment and disregard my direct orders. Explain yourself."

With a gulp, Sir Edmund raised his head, meeting the king's eyes. "Your Majesty, I was overcome with anger and rashness. It was my brother-in-arms, Sir Richard, who had provoked me. He besmirched my name and questioned my loyalty to the crown. In the heat of the moment, I engaged him in a duel, defying your decree against such acts."

The king's expression softened, his disappointment mingling with understanding. "Sir Edmund, I appreciate your honesty, but you must learn to control your emotions. As a knight, you are meant to exemplify chivalry and discipline. Violence is never the answer."

Sir Edmund nodded, his gaze filled with regret. "Your Majesty, I pledge to redeem myself. I will learn from this mistake and strive to become a better knight, worthy of serving you."

King Walker placed a hand upon the knight's shoulder, offering a glimmer of forgiveness. "I believe in your potential, Sir Edmund. Rise, for I grant you a second chance. Prove your worth through noble deeds, and let this incident serve as a reminder of the honor you must uphold."

As the knight rose to his feet, he felt a surge of gratitude and determination. With renewed purpose, Sir Edmund pledged to restore his honor and prove himself to his king and kingdom. The courtiers, witnessing the exchange, were filled with hope, knowing that even in the face of mistakes, redemption and growth were possible under the guidance of a wise and just ruler like His Majesty King Walker.