How did Cain get his wife in the bible?

According to the biblical account in Genesis, after Cain killed his brother Abel and was driven out by God as a punishment, he settled in the land of Nod. The text states that Cain built a city there and had children. However, the Bible does not explicitly mention how Cain got his wife.

There are a few different interpretations and theories regarding this question among biblical scholars and theologians. One possible explanation is that Cain married one of his sisters. In the early stages of human history, before laws prohibiting incest were established, marrying close relatives may have been more common.

Another explanation is that the Bible, particularly the book of Genesis, does not give an exhaustive account of all the events and people in the early history of humankind. Therefore, it is not impossible that there were individuals or events not mentioned in the text that could provide a possible basis for Cain finding a wife.

Ultimately, since the Bible does not explicitly state how Cain acquired a wife, this question remains open to interpretation and speculation.