what promoted the federal government to negotiate with Samuel Kambree is the head of the American Federation of labor AFL during the ww1

There are several factors that promoted the federal government to negotiate with Samuel Gompers, the head of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), during World War I.

1. Labor Demand for Workers: With the outbreak of World War I, the United States faced an increased demand for labor to support the war effort, particularly in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and transportation. The AFL represented a significant number of workers and had the power to mobilize their members to support the war production.

2. Labor Unrest: The war brought about significant labor unrest as workers sought better wages, improved working conditions, and increased job security. Strikes and labor disputes threatened war production and raised concerns among government officials about social stability and national security. Engaging in negotiations with the AFL was seen as a way to address workers' grievances and maintain industrial peace during the war.

3. War Production and Consensus Building: The AFL, under Gompers' leadership, demonstrated a willingness to cooperate with the federal government to ensure efficient war production. Gompers advocated for no-strike pledges, which meant unions would not engage in strikes or disruptive actions that could harm the war effort. By negotiating with the AFL and addressing workers' concerns, the government aimed to secure labor support for war production, prevent strikes, and maintain a stable workforce.

4. Political Considerations: Gompers and the AFL played a crucial role in mobilizing workers to support the war and the government's war aims. The federal government recognized the importance of keeping labor leaders like Gompers on their side to maintain political support and prevent radicalization of the labor movement. Negotiating with the AFL and addressing their demands helped maintain a favorable relationship with the labor movement and secure working-class support during the war.

Overall, the increased demand for labor, labor unrest, the need for efficient war production, and political considerations all promoted the federal government to negotiate with Samuel Gompers and the AFL during World War I.