Part a final lateral surface area of the cylinder with the radius of 2.5 m in a height of 7 m B what is the total surface of the cylinder from a radius is 2.5 m and highest seven

To find the lateral surface area of a cylinder, you need to calculate the circumference of the base (which is a circle) and multiply it by the height of the cylinder.

Circumference of the base (C) = 2πr, where r is the radius of the cylinder
Height of the cylinder (h) = 7 m

Lateral Surface Area (LSA) = C * h

C = 2π(2.5) = 5π

LSA = 5π * 7 = 35π square meters

To find the total surface area of the cylinder, you need to add the area of the two circular bases to the lateral surface area.

Area of a circle = πr²

Area of one circular base = π(2.5)² = 6.25π

Total Surface Area (TSA) = LSA + 2 * Area of one circular base

TSA = 35π + 2(6.25π) = 35π + 12.5π = 47.5π square meters