A sledgehammer is swung at a wall

When a sledgehammer is swung at a wall, several things happen:

1. Impact: As the sledgehammer contacts the wall, there is a collision between the two objects. The force of the swing is transferred to the wall through the hammer's head.

2. Compression: Upon contact, the force exerted by the sledgehammer causes the wall material to compress. This compression creates stress within the wall.

3. Damage: Depending on the force and strength of the swing, the impact from the sledgehammer can cause different levels of damage to the wall. It can create cracks, crumble or break off chunks of the wall material.

4. Vibration: The collision between the sledgehammer and the wall also generates vibrations. These vibrations can travel through the wall and even cause disruptions in nearby objects or structures.

Overall, swinging a sledgehammer at a wall exerts significant force on the wall, potentially leading to damage and structural changes.