is resurrection hax?

Whether resurrection is considered "hax" or not largely depends on the context and interpretation. In general, "hax" refers to abilities or powers that are extremely overpowered or unfair within a specific context, often in relation to video games or other fictional settings.

Resurrection, the act of bringing someone back to life after their death, is often portrayed as a supernatural or extraordinary ability in various mythologies, religions, and works of fiction. It can be seen as powerful and advantageous, allowing characters to cheat death and continue their existence.

However, whether resurrection is considered "hax" depends on factors such as the limitations, consequences, and rules surrounding such a power. If resurrection is easily accessible, has no drawbacks or limitations, and can be performed at will without any consequence, it could be seen as overpowered and imbalanced within a particular narrative or game.

On the other hand, if resurrection is difficult to achieve, has significant costs or consequences, or is subject to certain conditions or limitations, it may be considered more balanced and less likely to be considered "hax."

Ultimately, the perception of resurrection as "hax" or not is subjective and can vary depending on the specific portrayal and context in which it is presented.