The table shows a monthly basic need budget for a 2 child family with one working on dirt in Fort Worth Texas. Determine what hourly wage working full-time is required to meet. The family's basic needs round to the nearest hundred

To determine the hourly wage needed to meet the family's basic needs, we need to divide the monthly budget by the number of hours worked in a month.

Let's suppose the monthly budget for basic needs is $2,000 (rounding to the nearest hundred).

Assuming a full-time job involves 40 hours per week, and an average work month consists of 4 weeks, the total number of hours worked in a month is:

40 hours/week * 4 weeks = 160 hours

Dividing the monthly budget by the total hours worked in a month gives us the required hourly wage:

$2,000 / 160 hours = $12.50 per hour.

Therefore, a full-time hourly wage of at least $12.50 is required to meet the basic needs of the 2-child family working on dirt in Fort Worth, Texas.