Suppose during the initial experiment, the scientists decided to plant two seeds per pot for the plants given water with a pH of 5 and 7, while the other pots were planted with just one seed per pot. How might this have impacted the results of the study? The plants in each pot would have only grown to half the height.

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The results would have been the same.
The plants given water pH of 5 and 7 would not have grown at
(H' all.

The scientists would have been unable to ascertain whether a water pH of 6 or 7 resulted in more plant growth.

If two seeds were planted per pot for the plants given water with a pH of 5 and 7, it may have impacted the results of the study in a few ways:

1. Competition for resources: By planting two seeds in each pot, the plants would need to compete for nutrients, water, and space. This could lead to stunted growth or lower overall plant health compared to pots with only one seed.

2. Reduced sample size: Planting two seeds per pot would reduce the number of pots available for each treatment group. This smaller sample size may affect statistical significance and the ability to draw accurate conclusions about the effects of different pH levels on plant growth.

3. Confounded variables: If the scientists were comparing the effects of water pH and plant growth, planting two seeds per pot could introduce confounding factors. The growth of one seedling may overshadow or influence the growth of the other, making it difficult to isolate the effect of water pH on plant growth.

Overall, planting two seeds per pot could introduce variability, competition, and confounding factors that may impact the accuracy and validity of the study's results.