Suppose we are designing security software that will use a personal identification number (PIN) of more than 10 digits to verify a client. The number of characters in a PIN is called the PIN size. One measure of security is the time effort needed to discover a client PIN by searching all possible PINs (called the search size). A large time effort provides greater security. We want a visualization that will help clients understand the relationship of PIN size and search time. We will “collect” our data by writing Python code, below, to generate and store it. We will then add code to structure and organize it and generate a visualization. Examples of added information include the scale used for measuring time, size, and effort, and relationships among them. When executed, the code prints out four lines: first line for number of digits (or PIN size) in a PIN, two lines for the corresponding number of locations (or search size) to be searched for a PIN size, and one line for associated time to search the number of locations for each PIN size. numdigits = [] #list for pin size or number of digits in a pin searchsize = [] #associated list of number of locations to search for each pin size searchtime = [] #associated list of time it takes to search the associated searchsize count = 15 while count < 27: quantity = 10 ** count numdigits.append(count) #add to pin size list searchsize.append(quantity) #add to searchsize list #convert seconds to years where 31536000 secs in a year years = int((searchsize[count-16]/1500000000)/31536000) searchtime.append(years) #add to searchtime list count += 1 print("pin size: ", numdigits[0:10]) print("search size: ", searchsize[0:5]) print("search size:", searchsize[6:11]) print("search time: ", searchtime[0:10]) Examine the above code with respect to structuring and organizing the data. What visualization should our program generate to communicate an understanding of the data most clearly? (1 point) Responses point plot where each “point” has a size that represents the pair (PIN size, search time in years), and the size of each point depicts the search size point plot where each “point” has a size that represents the pair (PIN size, search time in years), and the size of each point depicts the search size point plot of points on X-Y axes where the x-axis represents search size, and the y-axis represents search time (in months) point plot of points on X - Y axes where the x -axis represents search size, and the y -axis represents search time (in months) graph of two curves on an X-Y plot, one relating PIN size to search size and the other, PIN size to search time, where the y-axis measures time (in units of a week) graph of two curves on an X - Y plot, one relating PIN size to search size and the other, PIN size to search time, where the y -axis measures time (in units of a week) bar graph where the y-column represents search size and search time (in units of a week), and the x-column represents PIN size

The program should generate a point plot on an X-Y axes where the x-axis represents search size and the y-axis represents search time (in years). Each point on the plot should represent the pair (PIN size, search time in years), and the size of each point should depict the search size.