(6) Two kids are flying a kite with a string of 50 meters long. If the kids are 35 meters apart, how high is the kite off the ground? What formula should you use to solve?

Length of the string when in air (c) = 50 meters
The distance of kids apart (b) = 35 meters

The height of the kite off the ground = (a) ?

1 point
Use a² + b² = c² to solve. (50)² + (35)²=a²
Use c² - b² = a² to solve. (50)² - (35)² = a²
Just guess!

The correct formula to use is a² = c² - b²:

a² = (50)² - (35)²

a² = 2500 - 1225

a² = 1275

The height of the kite off the ground is approximately √1275 meters.

wait so 1, 2 or 3?

Apologies for the confusion. The correct formula to solve for the height of the kite off the ground is a² = c² - b². So the answer is 2: Use c² - b² = a² to solve.