The purpose of an argument is to persuade readers to agree with the writer’s opinion on a topic and often, to take specific action.

You must take a position on the issue and draft a thesis statement.

Choose a side…
-Should college be free?



Body paragraph 1

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In today's society, the rising costs of education have become a burden for many prospective college students. The question arises: should college be free? This contentious issue has sparked intense debates and discussions among students, parents, and policymakers. While some argue that making college education free would burden taxpayers, I firmly believe that college should be free for all individuals in order to promote equal opportunity, foster economic growth, and empower the nation's youth.

Body Paragraph 1:

Making college education free would promote equal opportunity by eliminating financial barriers. Currently, the high costs of tuition, textbooks, and living expenses exclude many deserving students from accessing higher education. This financial burden hits minority and low-income students the hardest, perpetuating existing inequalities in society. By making college education free, we can level the playing field and ensure that everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic background, has an equal chance to pursue higher education. This would enable individuals to fulfill their potential and contribute to society in meaningful ways.

Body Paragraph 2:

Free college education would also foster economic growth. In today's globalized and technology-driven world, a highly skilled workforce is crucial for a nation's economic success. By providing free college education, we can equip the workforce with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in a rapidly evolving job market. This would attract investments, stimulate innovation, and create new job opportunities. Moreover, individuals with college degrees tend to earn higher incomes, pay more taxes, and contribute to economic development. Therefore, investing in free college education ultimately benefits the economy as a whole.

Body Paragraph 3:

Furthermore, free college education empowers the nation's youth by encouraging them to pursue their passions and interests. The exorbitant costs associated with college often force students to choose practical majors over their true passions. This stifles creativity and limits personal growth. By removing financial barriers, students are free to pursue their desired fields of study, leading to a more diverse and well-rounded workforce. This not only benefits individuals but also enhances the cultural and intellectual fabric of our society.


While opponents argue that making college education free would burden taxpayers, the benefits of free college education far outweigh the costs. By promoting equal opportunity, fostering economic growth, and empowering the nation's youth, free college education can pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future. It is in the best interest of our society to invest in the education of our young people. Therefore, it is imperative that college education be made accessible and affordable for all individuals.

Works Cited:
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