In 3–5 sentences, write a short paragraph that includes a claim about the twilight zone television series, the description of a counterclaim, and an explanation of why the counterclaim is invalid.(4 points)

The Twilight Zone television series, created by Rod Serling, is often regarded as one of the greatest and most influential shows of all time. Its thought-provoking episodes, clever storytelling, and memorable characters have captivated audiences for decades. However, a counterclaim may argue that the show's black and white visuals make it outdated and difficult to relate to for modern viewers. While it is true that the absence of color may seem antiquated, the counterclaim fails to acknowledge the timeless themes explored in the show, such as human nature, morality, and the consequences of our actions. These themes are universal and continue to resonate with audiences today, making the counterclaim of the show being dated and irrelevant invalid.