Imagine that you have a green lightbulb in a dark room. Will using a colored light appear to change the color of the objects in the room?

(1 point)

Yes, the green items will appear white.

Yes, the green items will appear white.

Yes, blue and red items will look different.

Yes, blue and red items will look different.

No, green is a primary color, so it is neutral.

No, green is a primary color, so it is neutral.

No, the brightness of a light determines color.

No, the brightness of a light determines color.

Yes, blue and red items will look different when a green light is used in the room.

Can secondary colors be created without using any primary colors?

(1 point)

Yes, but only different hues of the same color.

Yes, but only different hues of the same color.

Yes, secondary colors are the base of most colors.

Yes, secondary colors are the base of most colors.

No, black or white is required to make primary colors.

No, black or white is required to make primary colors.

No, primary colors are used to make secondary colors.

No, primary colors are used to make secondary colors.

If you wanted to see the color spectrum in sunlight, how could you do it?

(1 point)

Set ice in the sun to melt.

Set ice in the sun to melt.

Hold up a clear glass of water.

Hold up a clear glass of water.

Hold a mirror up facing the sun.

Hold a mirror up facing the sun.

Use a black tarp to absorb the light.

Hold a mirror up facing the sun.

Lionel wants to create an abstract piece of art to memorialize his grandfather, who died recently. He decides that he wants it to be monochromatic. Which color will BEST express his sorrow?

(1 point)








The color that would best express sorrow in a monochromatic abstract piece of art would be blue.