Factor the expression

A. (x+4)(6x+7)
B. (x+2)(6x+14)

To factor the expression 6x^3 + 31x + 28, we need to find two binomial factors that multiply together to give us the original expression.

To start, we can check if there are any common factors among the terms. In this case, there are no common factors among the terms.

Next, we can look for a pattern or use a factoring method such as the grouping method or factoring by grouping. However, in this case, there is no obvious pattern or grouping method that can be used.

One way to proceed is by using trial and error. We can try different combinations of binomial factors until we find the correct one.

By trying different combinations, we find that (x + 4)(6x + 7) gives us the correct expression when multiplied together.

Thus, the factored expression is (x + 4)(6x + 7), which corresponds to option A.