You will pretend you own an advocacy organization that supports technology in education.

A large school district is considering cutting out technology due to budget cuts.
It’s your mission to make a presentation to the school board that promotes the use of educational technology as an essential tool for learning.
You will be responsible for creating a multimedia presentation.
Review Keeping Technology Alive description and rubric.

Title: Empowering Education: Keeping Technology Alive in our School District

- Greet the school board members and acknowledge their dedication to providing quality education.
- State the purpose of the presentation: to advocate for the importance of educational technology as an essential tool for learning.
- Briefly mention the budget cuts and the potential impact on technology in education.

Slide 1: Title Slide
- Engaging title: "Empowering Education: Keeping Technology Alive in our School District"

Slide 2: The Changing Landscape of Education
- Discuss how technology has transformed various aspects of our lives, including communication and access to information.
- Highlight the importance of adapting education to align with these changes and prepare students for the digital world they will enter.

Slide 3: Educational Technology: A Catalyst for Transformation
- Emphasize the potential of educational technology to revolutionize teaching and learning experiences.
- Cite statistics and studies that demonstrate the positive impact of technology integration on student engagement, collaboration, and achievement.

Slide 4: Enhancing Student Engagement
- Explain how technology can capture students' attention and bring learning to life.
- Showcase interactive learning platforms, virtual reality, and gamification as examples of engaging educational technology tools.

Slide 5: Fostering Personalized Learning
- Discuss how educational technology enables individualized and differentiated instruction.
- Highlight adaptive learning software and personalized feedback systems as tools that can cater to diverse student needs and abilities.

Slide 6: Expanding Access to Information
- Address the role of technology in bridging the digital divide and ensuring equitable access to educational resources.
- Discuss online databases, digital libraries, and web-based resources that can supplement traditional textbooks and provide up-to-date information.

Slide 7: Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills
- Illustrate how educational technology cultivates crucial 21st-century skills.
- Present examples of coding programs, robotics, and simulation software that enhance problem-solving, creativity, and analytical thinking.

Slide 8: Collaborative Learning and Global Connections
- Emphasize how technology allows students to collaborate with peers both locally and globally.
- Introduce virtual classrooms, video conferencing, and online collaboration tools that facilitate cooperation and improve global perspectives.

Slide 9: Addressing Budget Concerns
- Acknowledge the current budget constraints and the concerns raised by the school board.
- Offer possible solutions, such as exploring grants, community partnerships, or seeking support from governmental programs specifically targeting technology in education.

Slide 10: Conclusion
- Summarize the key points presented, emphasizing the potential benefits of educational technology for students, teachers, and the entire school community.
- Express gratitude for the opportunity to advocate for technology in education.
- Encourage the school board to prioritize investing in educational technology despite the budget cuts.

Slide 11: Contact Information
- Provide relevant contact information for inquiries or follow-up discussions.

Slide 12: Thank You
- Display a slide expressing gratitude once again, thanking the school board for their time and consideration.

Note: This description outlines the content and suggested structure for the presentation but does not include the actual multimedia elements, such as images, videos, or animations that would enhance the presentation.