Find all the zeros in the equation


To find the zeros of the equation, we need to set it equal to zero. So, we rewrite the equation as:

x^4 + 12x^2 - 64 = 0

Now, let's solve this equation for x. We can factor this equation as a quadratic in terms of x^2:

(x^2 + 16)(x^2 - 4) = 0

Now we have two equations to solve:

1) x^2 + 16 = 0
Subtracting 16 from both sides:
x^2 = -16
Taking the square root of both sides (remembering that the square root of a negative number is imaginary):
x = ±4i

Therefore, the zeros of this equation are x = 4i and x = -4i.

2) x^2 - 4 = 0
Adding 4 to both side:
x^2 = 4
Taking the square root of both sides:
x = ±2

Therefore, the zeros of this equation are x = 2 and x = -2.