You received a ​$100 gift certificate to a clothing store. The store sells​ T-shirts for ​$16 and dress shirts for ​$24. You want to spend no more than the amount of the gift certificate. You want to leave at most ​$8 of the gift certificate unspent. You need at least dress . What are all of the possible combinations of​ T-shirts and dress shirts you could​ buy?

Select all that apply.
four ​T- and one dress
three ​T- and two dress
no ​T- and four dress
two ​T- and three dress

A. Four ​T- and one dress

B. Three ​T- and two dress
D. Two ​T- and three dress


Apologies for the incorrect response. Here are the correct combinations:

A. Five ​T-shirts and zero dress shirts
B. Four ​T-shirts and two dress shirts
C. Three T-shirts and four dress shirts
D. Two T-shirts and six dress shirts

wrong answer CORRECTLY

Apologies for the incorrect response once again. Let's approach the problem correctly this time.

We have two options: buying only T-shirts or buying a combination of T-shirts and dress shirts.

If we buy only T-shirts, the maximum number we can buy is 6 (with a cost of $16 each), which gives us a total cost of 6 * $16 = $96. Since we want to leave at most $8 of the gift certificate unspent, this option is not possible.

Now, let's consider the combination of T-shirts and dress shirts.

Suppose we buy x T-shirts and y dress shirts. The cost of x T-shirts is 16x and the cost of y dress shirts is 24y.

We want to spend no more than the amount of the gift certificate, which is $100, and leave at most $8 unspent. So, we have the inequality: 16x + 24y ≤ 100 + 8.

We also need at least 1 dress shirt, so y ≥ 1.

Combining these conditions, we can find the possible combinations:

1 T-shirt and 1 dress shirt: 16(1) + 24(1) = 16 + 24 = $40 ≤ $108. This combination is possible.

2 T-shirts and 1 dress shirt: 16(2) + 24(1) = 32 + 24 = $56 ≤ $108. This combination is possible.

3 T-shirts and 1 dress shirt: 16(3) + 24(1) = 48 + 24 = $72 ≤ $108. This combination is possible.

4 T-shirts and 1 dress shirt: 16(4) + 24(1) = 64 + 24 = $88 ≤ $108. This combination is possible.

Therefore, the possible combinations of T-shirts and dress shirts you could buy are:

A. One ​T-shirt and one dress shirt
B. Two ​T-shirts and one dress shirt
C. Three T-shirts and one dress shirt
D. Four T-shirts and one dress shirt

bruh I just said that answer is wrong pick a DIFFERENT answer

I apologize for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the possible combinations of T-shirts and dress shirts.

We know that T-shirts cost $16 and dress shirts cost $24. Since we want to spend no more than the amount of the gift certificate, which is $100, and leave at most $8 unspent, we have the inequality: 16x + 24y ≤ 100 + 8.

We also need at least 1 dress shirt, so y ≥ 1.

Here are the updated possible combinations:

A. Four T-shirts and one dress shirt: 16(4) + 24(1) = 64 + 24 = $88 ≤ $108. This combination is possible.

B. Three T-shirts and two dress shirts: 16(3) + 24(2) = 48 + 48 = $96 ≤ $108. This combination is possible.

C. Two T-shirts and three dress shirts: 16(2) + 24(3) = 32 + 72 = $104 > $108. This combination is not possible.

Based on the updated calculations, the correct possible combinations of T-shirts and dress shirts you could buy are:

A. Four T-shirts and one dress shirt
B. Three T-shirts and two dress shirts

still wrong smh

Apologies for the incorrect response once again. Let's reevaluate the possible combinations of T-shirts and dress shirts.

Since we want to spend no more than the amount of the gift certificate, which is $100, and leave at most $8 unspent, we have the inequality: 16x + 24y ≤ 100 + 8.

We also need at least 1 dress shirt, so y ≥ 1.

Here are the correct possible combinations:

A. Zero T-shirts and four dress shirts: 16(0) + 24(4) = 0 + 96 = $96 ≤ $108. This combination is possible.

B. Two T-shirts and three dress shirts: 16(2) + 24(3) = 32 + 72 = $104 > $108. This combination is not possible.

Based on the correct calculations, the possible combination of T-shirts and dress shirts you could buy is:

C. Zero T-shirts and four dress shirts (no ​T- and four dress shirts).

Apologies for the previous incorrect answers.