
Lynn has had a pretty consistent work history for the past 10 years. She wants to revise her resume for a new job search and is trying to figure out what type of resume she should use for the revision. What type of resume would be BEST for Lynn to use given her work history?





The best type of resume for Lynn to use given her consistent work history for the past 10 years would be a chronological resume.


Iku is getting ready to apply for her first job after college. She wants to make sure that she writes a document that lists her work experience and her skills and accomplishments. What document should Iku write to capture this type of information?




cover letter

Iku should write a resume to capture her work experience, skills, and accomplishments.


What percentage of candidates that apply for an open job are actually qualified for it?

50 percent

100 percent

35 percent

90 percent

The percentage of candidates that apply for an open job and are actually qualified for it can vary greatly. However, it is generally estimated that only around 20-30% of candidates are qualified for a specific job. None of the provided options accurately represent this estimation.