In Mr. Carlyles class, 32% of the students rode the bus to school. A total 8 students rode to the bus. How many students are in Mr. Carlyles

To find the total number of students in Mr. Carlyle's class, we can use the fact that 32% of the students rode the bus to school. We know that 8 students rode the bus, which represents 32% of the total number of students.

Let's represent the total number of students in Mr. Carlyle's class as "x." We can set up a proportion to solve for x:

8 students / x students = 32% / 100%

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and solve the resulting equation:

8 * 100% = x * 32%

Since 100% is equivalent to 1, the equation simplifies to:

8 = x * 0.32

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 0.32:

8 / 0.32 = x

Simplifying the fraction, we find that:

x ≈ 25

Therefore, there are approximately 25 students in Mr. Carlyle's class.