what is -2+-6*(8-5)=


-2 + (-24) = ?

What do you think?

Nope. When you add a negative to a negative, the answer will be negative.

To solve the expression -2 + -6 * (8 - 5), let's break it down step by step.

First, we should simplify the part inside the parentheses (8 - 5):

8 - 5 = 3

Now, substitute the value back into the expression:

-2 + -6 * 3

Multiplication is performed before addition, so let's calculate -6 * 3:

-6 * 3 = -18

Now substitute the value back into the expression:

-2 + -18

Finally, we can calculate the sum:

-2 + -18 = -20

Therefore, -2 + -6 * (8 - 5) equals -20.