Subjective pronoun

is a type of pronoun that is used as the subject of a sentence. It replaces a noun or noun phrase that is performing the action in a sentence. Subjective pronouns indicate who or what is doing the action.

Examples of subjective pronouns include:

- I (used when referring to oneself)
- you (used when referring to the person or people being spoken to)
- he (used when referring to a male)
- she (used when referring to a female)
- it (used when referring to a non-living thing or an animal)
- we (used when referring to a group that includes the speaker)
- they (used when referring to a group that does not include the speaker)

Here are some sentences that demonstrate the use of subjective pronouns:

- She went to the store.
- We are going to a party.
- You are my best friend.
- They won the game.

Make it a bit shorter

Subjective pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence, replacing a noun or noun phrase. Examples include: I, you, he, she, it, we, they. Example sentences: She went to the store. We are going to a party. You are my best friend. They won the game.