Objective pronoun

An objective pronoun is a type of pronoun that acts as the object of a verb or preposition in a sentence. It is used when the pronoun is receiving the action of the verb or when it is the object of a preposition. Here's a step-by-step explanation of objective pronouns:

1. Identify the verb or preposition in the sentence. The objective pronoun will be the word that receives the action of the verb or follows the preposition.

Example 1: She gave him a book.
In this sentence, "gave" is the verb. The objective pronoun is "him" because it is receiving the action of the verb "gave."

Example 2: He is talking to me.
In this sentence, "to" is the preposition. The objective pronoun is "me" because it is the object of the preposition "to."

2. Determine the appropriate objective pronoun based on the person or thing receiving the action.

Example 1: She gave him a book.
The pronoun "him" is used to refer to a male person or thing.

Example 2: He is talking to me.
The pronoun "me" is used when the speaker is referring to themselves.

3. Use the objective pronoun in the sentence in place of the noun that would have been the object.

Example 1: She gave him a book.
Correct: She gave it to him.

Example 2: He is talking to me.
Correct: He is talking to me.

Some common objective pronouns include me, him, her, us, them, whom, and it. It is important to choose the proper objective pronoun based on the role it plays in the sentence to ensure clear and accurate communication.