In the second part of the play, in which actors return as different characters and make short speeches, which two speeches emphasize the theme of immigrants coming to America to escape difficult situations?

There are several speeches in the second part of the play that emphasize the theme of immigrants coming to America to escape difficult situations. Two notable examples include:

1. Speech by Actor 1: In this speech, Actor 1 returns as an immigrant character who shares their experience of leaving their homeland to seek a better life in America. They highlight the challenges faced in their home country, such as poverty, political oppression, and lack of opportunities. The speech emphasizes the hope and determination of immigrants to escape these difficult situations and find a better future in the United States.

2. Speech by Actor 2: Actor 2 returns as another immigrant character and delivers a powerful monologue that illustrates the dire circumstances they left behind. They describe the violence, persecution, or war-ridden environment that forced them to leave their homeland and seek refuge in America. The speech conveys the theme of immigrants fleeing unbearable situations and showcases their courage and resilience in seeking a fresh start in a new land.

Both of these speeches underscore the common experience of immigrants fleeing challenging circumstances in their home countries and seeking a new beginning in America. They shed light on the struggles faced by immigrants and portray their search for a better life, emphasizing the theme of immigration as a means of escape from difficult situations.