Why did Thomas Paine write the pamphlet, Common Sense? Explain.

Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" in order to persuade the American colonists to declare independence from Britain. He wanted to galvanize public opinion and rally support for the revolutionary cause, as he believed that it was not only justifiable but also crucial for the colonists to break away from British rule. Paine argued that Britain's monarchy and the system of hereditary succession were inherently flawed and that it was in the best interest of the American people to establish their own independent government.

Paine's writing was influential because he presented his arguments in a clear and accessible manner, using plain language that resonated with the common people. He aimed to ignite a sense of patriotism and encourage the colonists to pursue freedom and self-governance. "Common Sense" exerted a significant impact by swaying public opinion towards revolutionary ideals, helping to build a consensus for independence and ultimately contributed to the American Revolution.