The ratio of boys to girls in Mrs. Reiter’s music class is 2 to 3. There are 24 girls in the class. What is the total number of students in Mrs. Reiter’s music class?

If the ratio of boys to girls in Mrs. Reiter's music class is 2 to 3, then for every 3 girls, there are 2 boys.

Since there are 24 girls in the class, then there are 24/3 = <<24/3=8>>8 groups of girls in the class.
Since each group of girls has 2 boys, then there are 8*2 = <<8*2=16>>16 boys in the class.
The total number of students in Mrs. Reiter's music class is 24girls + 16boys = <<24+16=40>>40 students. Answer: \boxed{40}.