why did the ancient Chinese make load noises at festivals

The ancient Chinese made loud noises at festivals for various reasons, including:

1. Warding off evil spirits: It was believed that loud noises scared away evil spirits and negative energies. By creating loud sounds, they protected themselves and their community from any potential harm that these spirits could bring.
2. Bringing good luck: It was believed that loud noises would attract good luck and positive energy. The celebratory atmosphere created by the noise was also thought to bring about prosperity and happiness.
3. Celebrating and energizing the festivities: Loud noises such as fireworks, firecrackers, drums, gongs, and cymbals added to the excitement of the festivals. They were used to create a lively atmosphere and provide entertainment for the participants.
4. Commemorating historical events: Some festivals were celebrated to honor or remember historical events or figures. The loud noises were a way of paying tribute and showing respect.
5. Communication and gathering attention: In large gatherings during festivals, loud noises were used to communicate messages or gather attention. They served as signals or announcements for different activities or events happening during the festivities.
6. Cultural tradition: Making loud noises during festivals became a cultural practice passed down through generations. It became an integral part of Chinese festival celebrations and continued to be practiced as a way of maintaining traditions and cultural identity.