ince square root of, end square root


and square root of, end square root

it is known that square root of, 71, end square root

is between

Since the square root of 2 equals approximately 1.41, and the square root of 3 equals approximately 1.73, we can conclude that the square root of 71 is between 8.44 and 8.45.


I apologize for the incorrect response. Let's correct it.

Since the square root of 2 is approximately 1.41, and the square root of 3 is approximately 1.73, we cannot directly determine where the square root of 71 lies between 1.41 and 1.73. We need to use a different method to find a more accurate estimate.

One approach is to use trial and error by squaring different numbers to get close to 71. Let's try squaring a few numbers:

- If we square 8, we get 64, which is too low.
- If we square 9, we get 81, which is too high.

Based on this, we can conclude that the square root of 71 is between 8 and 9. However, we can also make a more accurate estimation.

Taking an average between 8 and 9, we get 8.5. Now, let's square 8.5:

8.5^2 = 72.25

Since 72.25 is slightly higher than 71, we can conclude that the square root of 71 is slightly less than 8.5. Therefore, a better estimate would be that the square root of 71 is between 8 and 8.5.

Please note that this method only gives an approximation and to find the precise value, you would need to use a calculator or mathematical software.