Which method would be the simplest way to solve the system?


1. graphing
2. substitution
3. elimination
4. distributive

Based on the given system of equations, the simplest method to solve it would be substitution.

What is the solution of the system?


To solve the system using substitution, let's solve the second equation for y:

-7 - 2y = -16
-2y = -16 + 7
-2y = -9
y = -9 / -2
y = 4.5

Now, substitute this value of y into the first equation:

7x + 5(4.5) = 19
7x + 22.5 = 19
7x = 19 - 22.5
7x = -3.5
x = -3.5 / 7
x = -0.5

Therefore, the solution of the system is x = -0.5 and y = 4.5.