What does the United States need to do to have a truly inclusive (including all; not excluding any of the groups involved in something) national identity with multiple diverse identity groups? What views and beliefs need to shift in society to be able to do this?

Creating a truly inclusive national identity in the United States requires a collective shift in societal views and beliefs. Here are some key aspects that need to be considered:

1. Acknowledge and value diversity: Society must recognize and appreciate the wide range of identities, cultures, races, religions, ethnicities, and perspectives that exist within the country. Identifying diversity as a strength rather than a threat is crucial.

2. Foster empathy and respect: Developing empathy and respect for one another is essential in fostering an inclusive identity. This involves actively seeking to understand and appreciate different perspectives and experiences, while treating all individuals with dignity and respect.

3. Address systemic inequalities: Addressing systemic inequalities that disproportionately impact marginalized communities is essential. This entails recognizing and working to overcome systemic racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination that perpetuate inequality.

4. Education and awareness: Promote education about diverse histories, cultures, and contributions within the United States. Encouraging cross-cultural dialogue and understanding through inclusive curriculum, exposure to diverse media, and community engagement can help challenge stereotypes and foster inclusivity.

5. Promote equal opportunities: Ensuring equal access to education, healthcare, employment, housing, and other opportunities is vital. Policies, legislation, and initiatives should be implemented to bridge existing disparities and remove systemic barriers that hinder full participation and representation for all groups.

6. Embrace dialogue and collaboration: Encourage open and constructive dialogue between different identity groups. Establish spaces where individuals can engage in conversations and collaboration across these diverse groups, fostering mutual understanding and shared goals.

7. Representation and participation: Promote diverse representation in all areas of society, including government, media, businesses, and cultural institutions. Ensuring that multiple identity groups are present and empowered to have their voices heard and their perspectives included is essential for fostering an inclusive national identity.

8. Embrace an evolving identity: Recognize that national identity is not static, but rather an evolving concept that grows and evolves as society changes. Having a more inclusive identity means embracing and celebrating the diversity of experiences and views that make up the United States.

Importantly, achieving a truly inclusive national identity requires long-term commitment and continuous efforts from individuals, communities, institutions, and the government.