The graph shows the elevation of deep-sea diver i relation to minutes passed. Using any two points on the graph, what is the rate change in the diver's elevation?

___ feet per minute

To calculate the rate of change in the diver's elevation, we need to find the slope of the graph, which represents the change in elevation per minute.

Let's take two points on the graph:

Point 1: (5 minutes, 60 feet)
Point 2: (15 minutes, 120 feet)

Using these points, we can calculate the rate of change using the formula:

Rate of change = (change in elevation) / (change in time)

Change in elevation = 120 feet - 60 feet = 60 feet
Change in time = 15 minutes - 5 minutes = 10 minutes

Rate of change = 60 feet / 10 minutes = 6 feet per minute

Therefore, the rate of change in the diver's elevation is 6 feet per minute.