This​ week,957 people went to the beach. Last​ week,1177 people went to the beach. The number of people who went to the beach fell by what​ percent?

To find the percentage decrease in the number of people who went to the beach, we need to calculate the difference between last week's count and this week's count, divide it by last week's count, and then multiply the result by 100.

The difference in the number of people who went to the beach is 1177 - 957 = 220.

Now we divide this difference by last week's count: 220 / 1177 ≈ 0.187.

To express this decimal as a percentage, we multiply it by 100: 0.187 * 100 ≈ 18.7.

So, the number of people who went to the beach fell by around 18.7%.