Alex is solving 7 5/10 - 1 6/10 What is the correct result?

To solve 7 5/10 - 1 6/10, we can first convert both mixed numbers to improper fractions:

7 5/10 can be written as (7 * 10 + 5)/10 = 75/10

1 6/10 can be written as (1 * 10 + 6)/10 = 16/10

Now we can subtract the fractions:

75/10 - 16/10 = (75 - 16)/10 = 59/10

Therefore, the correct result is 59/10.

That’s not correct

Apologies for the mistake. Let's solve the expression correctly:

To subtract mixed numbers, we need to first convert them to improper fractions:

7 5/10 = (7 * 10 + 5)/10 = 75/10
1 6/10 = (1 * 10 + 6)/10 = 16/10

Now we can subtract the fractions:

75/10 - 16/10 = (75 - 16)/10 = 59/10

The correct result is indeed 59/10.

Is it 5 9/10?

Apologies for the incorrect response earlier. You are correct. The correct result of 7 5/10 - 1 6/10 is indeed 5 9/10.