Show your work. Don’t forget to define your variables!

Use the phrase is a function of to describe the situation Tickets 2 3 6 Total Cost $32.00 $44.50 $82.00 represented by the equation you wrote in problem 3a.
How much is each movie ticket?

Let's assume that the cost of each movie ticket is represented by the variable "C".

According to the information provided, we can establish the following equation:

Total Cost = (number of tickets) * (cost per ticket)

Using the given data:

For 2 tickets: Total Cost = 2C = $32.00
For 3 tickets: Total Cost = 3C = $44.50
For 6 tickets: Total Cost = 6C = $82.00

From these equations, we can solve for the value of "C" (the cost per ticket):

2C = $32.00
C = $32.00 / 2
C = $16.00

3C = $44.50
C = $44.50 / 3
C ≈ $14.83

6C = $82.00
C = $82.00 / 6
C ≈ $13.67

Therefore, the cost of each movie ticket is approximately:
- For 2 tickets: $16.00
- For 3 tickets: $14.83
- For 6 tickets: $13.67