b. Add a fourth row to the table showing the population information for the town of Concord. Concord’s population as of the last census was p people; for its percentage change, choose a negative integer not divisible by two. Write two expressions showing the current estimated population of Concord in terms of p.

To find the current estimated population of Concord, we need to use the percentage change from the last census. Let's say Concord's population as of the last census was p people, and the chosen percentage change is -x% (where x is a negative integer not divisible by two).

Expression 1: The current estimated population of Concord can be calculated by subtracting the percentage change from the population at the last census: p - (x/100)p = p(1 - x/100)

Expression 2: Alternatively, we can express the percentage change as a decimal by dividing x by 100: -x/100. Then, we can multiply the population at the last census by this decimal to find the population decrease: p * (-x/100). The current estimated population is obtained by subtracting this decrease from the population at the last census: p - p * (-x/100) = p(1 + x/100)

Both expressions 1 and 2 can be used to determine the estimated population of Concord in terms of p.