View the image below of a specific phase of meiosis and answer the question. What is the name of the process%C2%A0happening in this phase, and why is it beneficial to organisms? Note:%C2%A0You should name the specific process,%C2%A0not the name of the meiotic phase. Grading Considerations Your answer must correctly identify the name of the specific process (not just the phase of meiosis)%C2%A0and%C2%A0include an explanation of why it is beneficial. Your answer should be%C2%A02-3 sentences in length.%C2%A0In an effort to combat plagiarism, answers longer than 5 sentences will not be considered.%C2%A0%C2%A0Answering concisely is evidence that you understand the material, and this question can be answered fully in just 2-3 sentences. (2 points)

The specific process happening in this image is called crossing over. Crossing over is the exchange of genetic material between non-sister chromatids during prophase I of meiosis. This process results in genetic recombination and increases genetic diversity in organisms, which is beneficial for evolution and adaptation to changing environments.