What is the connection among sectionalism, slavery, and states’ rights as causes of the Civil War? How did the Southern response to the 1860 election results demonstrate this connection?

(4 points)

explain in 5 sentences

The connection among sectionalism, slavery, and states' rights as causes of the Civil War is that these issues were deeply intertwined and led to conflicts between the northern and southern states. Sectionalism refers to the division and loyalty to one's own region rather than the nation as a whole, with the North and South having different economic interests and values. Slavery was a key point of contention, with the South heavily reliant on slave labor for their agrarian economy, while the North had largely abolished it. States' rights also played a role, as the South believed in the rights of individual states to decide on issues such as slavery.

The Southern response to the 1860 election results demonstrated this connection as the election of Abraham Lincoln, who opposed the expansion of slavery, was seen as a threat to the Southern way of life. Southern states believed that their right to continue slavery was being undermined, and fearing it would eventually be abolished, they seceded from the Union. This act of secession was driven by the belief in states' rights to determine their own laws and policies, notably regarding slavery. Thus, the Southern response to the election results showcased the deep-rooted connection between sectionalism, slavery, and states' rights as causes of the Civil War.