Triana is on a 120-mile four-day bike ride. On the first day she travels 24 miles. She would like to travel equal amounts over the remaining three days. How far will she travel on each of those three days? Write and solve an equation of the form px+q=r . Then write a sentence to explain your answer.(4 points) plz

Let "x" represent the distance Triana will travel on each of the remaining three days. The equation that represents this situation is:

3x = 120 - 24

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

3x = 96

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 32

Therefore, Triana will travel 32 miles on each of the remaining three days.

Sentence explanation: By setting up the equation 3x = 120 - 24, we can find the value of "x," which represents the distance Triana will travel on each of the remaining three days. Solving the equation, we find that x = 32. Therefore, Triana will travel 32 miles on each of the remaining three days.